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6. Oil & hydraulic fluid reservoirs

Hydroelectric power plants have several large oil reservoirs for the lubrication of the turbine thrust and upper & lower guide bearings as well as other rotating equipment throughout the facility. Additionally, there are several smaller reservoirs for various applications including hydraulic power units (HPU) which require visual level or point level indication to ensure sufficient supply is available for proper operation of equipment. Magnetrol offers a variety of point and continuous level technologies to provide accurate, reliable measurement in all types of liquid reservoirs some of which support interface detection to determine if the lubricating oil or hydraulic fluid has been compromised with water.


The remote electronic head installation capability of the Eclipse 706 and Jupiter JM4 allows for up to 12 feet distance between the sensor and the electronics making it convenient to located the display closer to where they can be easily read. The same remote feature is offered with the Echotel 961/962 ultrasonic and Thermatel TD2 thermal dispersion switches.