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Articles on Common applications

29 Apr, 2020

Magnetrol Services Chemical Processing with Their Most Difficult Application Challenges

Level measurement plays a critical role in ensuring the safety and efficiency of chemical processes, including liquid extraction, vapor/liquid separation, and mixing and blending.
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11 Jun, 2019

Level Measurement Solutions for Oil Filtration Skids

燃料和油過濾雷莫ves harmful particles that damage critical equipment components. Learn more about level measurement solutions for oil filtration skids.
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oil filtration
4 Jun, 2019

Level Measurement Solutions for Clean-in-Place Skids

Clean-in-place skids enable cleaning of hygienic process equipment without disassembly. Learn more about level measurement solutions for clean-in-place skids.
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28 May, 2019

Level Measurement Solutions for Batching and Blending Skids

Batching and blending skids are an important component of many process industries, from soft drinks to petrochemicals. Learn more about level measurement solutions in this blog post.
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blending skids
21 Mar, 2017

Magnetrol® Instruments With SIL Certification: Protecting Your Plant

In the process control industries, safety and reliability are paramount. Operators are searching for the peace of mind that comes from high-quality instruments.
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Echotel ultrasonic level switches
