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On a recent visit to evaluate several level transmitters on chemical storage applications at a new combined cycle power plant, we had the opportunity to work with the EPC firm, plant personnel and the chemical supplier. This provided an interesting look at the level instrumentation package for the chemical storage side of things from an engineering perspective, as well as from a daily operations point of view.


雖然重要的測量,氨,酸和腐蝕罐是磁離子的難度水平應用®and Orion Instruments®by any stretch. However, we found that small nuances on how the applications are monitored relative to technology can have a dramatic effect on the day-to-day practicality and reliability of the type of instrument(s) used. Additionally, there are safety considerations when replenishing these chemicals, which can be addressed simultaneously with inventory monitoring by implementing a few simple, cost-effective modifications to the instrumentation package.

這些化學儲罐可以是水平或垂直血管直徑/高度六至10英尺,氨儲罐通常是三個中最大的。看到某種類型的非接觸電平發射器(超聲波是最普遍的)並不罕見,以便在罐底部的局部顯示器向控製室提供電平指示,其中串聯與4-20 mA係列發射器輸出或從控製室重複。控製室的信號跟蹤庫存,充當溢出保護的高報警,並建立再補給間隔。本地顯示有助於監控供應商的卡車的化學物質的卸載。




討論與儀控技術和化學upplier during the evaluation process were confined to reliability, remote indication and performance verification of the level transmitter. Both preferred an independent visual indication along the lines of a Magnetic Level Indicator (MLI) on all three tanks. From the technician’s perspective it allows for easy verification of the level transmitter’s performance and adds a layer of redundancy in case the transmitter was out of commission for whatever reason. We have a lot of confidence in our instrumentation hitting the mark right out of the gate, but we have to admit it is nice to have a second opinion on the reading following initial commissioning. Sticking these tanks is usually not an option during normal operation.

Level Gauge Readability During Product Transfer


Considerations When Top Filling

One item worth pointing out that would simplify the commissioning of the instrument is the close proximity of the top-fill piping to the instrument mounting nozzle on the smaller acid and caustic tanks. Since non-contact technologies are ubiquitous on these applications and rely on projecting a circular or elliptical signal footprint perpendicular to the surface of the material being measured, locating the instrument nozzle as far away from the turbulence generated while top filling is the ideal. Furthermore, such close proximity allows the spray pattern created as the chemical enters the vessel to interact with the transmitted beam, which could cause a loss of signal during the fill process leaving the supplier blind as to the remaining space in the vessel. Tweaking the instrument’s configuration to overcome such obstacles is possible with time and patience. On the flipside, separating these two entry points during the design phase of the vessels would eliminate any potential problems without adding cost or extending the commissioning time. The present nozzle/fill line configuration is another point to argue the case for an MLI or opting for Guided Wave Radar technology to eliminate any potential interference and excessive turbulence near the transmitter.

After surveying each application and visiting with the I&C department and chemical supplier, we reviewed the various options with the engineering team. Our collaboration yielded three options to improve the reliability and enhance the day-to-day functionality of the instrumentation package.

Three Options to Improve Reliability and Functionality

The easiest modification was to replace the originally specified Ultrasonic technology with an entry level Through-Air Radar (Magnetrol Model R82), an easy fix to improve reliability by eliminating the vapor space issues noted above without adding to the overall cost. The balance of the inventory management scheme remained the same, i.e., remote LCD indication and so forth.

Taking things a step further, we considered incorporating a Guided Wave Radar (Magnetrol Eclipse® Model 706) in place of the non-contact technologies. The Guided Wave Radar would add cost to the instrument itself as compared to an Ultrasonic or entry level Through-Air Radar. However, if we leverage its remote transmitter option in lieu of purchasing an independent remote indicator, we can offset most of the additional cost by eliminating the secondary display and its associated costs: wiring, mounting, configuring, etc



最後,我們看著包括一些“願望清單”項目,I&C技術人員和化學品供應商指出並添加了視覺指示器(ORION Instruments atlas™或極光®模型)用於水平驗證,冗餘和多樣化的測量技術以及正常植物操作期間的可讀性。即使考慮到在最小安裝中包含的外圍物品,此方法也會向儀表包添加成本。除了傳統上具有用於容納外部安裝裝置的工藝連接的氨儲罐,與酸和苛性罐添加類似的工藝連接也會達到容器的成本。在宏偉的事物方案中,與長期利益相比,額外的成本很小,但它需要考慮化學儲存監測。