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Sight glass gauges - The hidden cost center

If your focus is to prevent any disruptions in production and throughput, you will typically run your plant to the point of failure and replace aging/problematic instrumentation technologies with like for like. Over time the repairs and replacements severely impact budgets; hence, they become a hidden cost center in their own right. Sight glass gauges fall into this category. Although mandated by ASME code in certain instances, there are much better solutions that bring added value in the form of overall safety, functionality, performance and maintenance to these as well as non-ASME coded applications.

Orion Instruments®, a Magnetrol® subsidiary, offers robust, proven-in-use Magnetic Level Indicators (MLI) to bring high visibility to your process while offering scalable, after-the-fact, bolt-on enhancements that allow the system to evolve as your needs change. Our upfront engineering support will make retrofitting your sight glass easier and more cost effective than servicing the existing unit.

To get more details on how we can help, download and review the “Site Glass Gauges – the Hidden Cost Center” bulletin which was developed based on customer experience. If you have immediate issues with glass gauges, don’t hesitate tocontact us via emailto schedule a convenient time for a short call. We guarantee you’ll realize greater value in your investment while spending less on instruments, repairs and flashlight batteries going forward.



For more information on any of our services or to request a consultation contact us: 630.969.4000